Our Partnerships

Our partners are dedicated to empowering enhanced entertainment experiences and fostering holistic health and wellness through cutting-edge sound and vibration technology in gaming, VR, and therapeutic settings.

Sia singing at her concert.

Entertainment Partnerships:


other Notable partners include:

Broadway and West End Theater Producers

Multiple International Streaming and Live Event Producers

Healthcare Partnerships:

Mindfulness, Recovery, & Resilience

roots through discover

Roots Through Recovery:

  • Launching a pilot program studying the results of the technology for anxiety and mood levels of the recovery center staff members.
  • Study to commence early Jan’2024.
Craig neurorehabilitation research hospital

Craig Rehabilitation Center

  • Accepted into the program to study the effects of the tech to help treat:
    • Migraine pain for those with a Traumatic Brain Injury
    • Anxiety as a secondary focus
  • Study to commence early Q1 2024.

The Defense Collective (TDC):

  • Engaged with TDC for assistance in federal grant submissions with various Military branches for further research.
  • Grant Submissions for POC on treatment on Chronic Pain, Anxiety, and Performance Enhancement.
US Department of veteran affairs

*US Veteran Affairs:

  • Preliminarily agreed to perform studies on HTH’s behalf for: Neuropathy, Anxiety, and PTSD. 
  • VA Personnel is currently identifying a study group to kick off the first phase, while we finalize an official agreement.
  • Stanford University chapter for studies.

other Notable R&D partners include:

Stanford, Cornell, UCLA, and Other Major Universities

Interested in exploring a partnership?