Holistic solutions leveraging audio-haptics to enhance the outcome of various health and wellness treatments.

The Problem
Mental Health Crisis
1 in 4
people will experience a mental health problem this year (Johns Hopkins University).
Post pandemic, there has been skyrocketing levels of:
- Complex PTSD and PTSD
- Alchohol Use Disorder
- Substance Use Disorder
- Anxiety and Depression
- Other Mental Health Conditions
The Solution
Training, Therapy, & Coaching
Our technology supports EMDR therapy, evidence based treatment for PTSD and other trauma related behavioral health issues.
- Deactivates fight or flight response
- Provides grounding, reconnection to the ground, putting people back into their bodies
- Promotes heart rate variability (HRV), indication of stress resiliance
- Supports down regulation through heart rate entrainment

Applications aimed at mindfulness, recovery, & resilience.
HTH Health Advantage

New Technologies and 16 Patents
with ongoing R&D creating new patents in healthcare.
Easier and Improved Implementation
of trauma therapy interventions in a global mental health crisis.
Long Term Sustainable Client Outcomes,
longer treatment stays, and staff/team retention.
Initial Research Studies Have Shown:
decreased levels of anxiety, fatigue, and physical pain.
Healthcare Partnerships:
Mindfulness, Recovery, & Resilience

Roots Through Recovery:
- Launching a pilot program studying the results of the technology for anxiety and mood levels of the recovery center staff members.
- Study to commence early Jan’2024.

Craig Rehabilitation Center
- Accepted into the program to study the effects of the tech to help treat:
- Migraine pain for those with a Traumatic Brain Injury
- Anxiety as a secondary focus
- Study to commence early Q1 2024.

The Defense Collective (TDC):
- Engaged with TDC for assistance in federal grant submissions with various Military branches for further research.
- Grant Submissions for POC on treatment on Chronic Pain, Anxiety, and Performance Enhancement.

*US Veteran Affairs:
- Preliminarily agreed to perform studies on HTH’s behalf for: Neuropathy, Anxiety, and PTSD.
- VA Personnel is currently identifying a study group to kick off the first phase, while we finalize an official agreement.
- Stanford University chapter for studies.
other Notable R&D partners include:
Stanford, Cornell, UCLA, and Other Major Universities